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Moving Abroad During A Pandemic: 5 Most Desirable Qualities

Hands with latex gloves holding a globe with a face mask

I 10/10 do NOT recommend moving abroad during a global pandemic. But when put through the tiresomely chaotic process without a choice (thank you, Uncle Sam), you may be surprised at the body’s ability to instinctively cope and somehow get through it. This is where I came up with a list of the five (5) most desirable qualities to cultivate during a pandemic move.


Probably the most important quality on the list, particularly since having lived through 2020 – which is why I’ve listed it as #1. Kindness to others, in addition to kindness for yourself. Although at times difficult, especially during stressful events, like packing and moving, where you might be lacking in sleep and not eating properly, being kind can help lower blood pressure and improve heart health. As humans, we are all striving to be happy and healthy. Depending on our life experiences and who we are as a person, some may not be equipped to handle life’s struggles as well as others. Therefore, a little kindness can go a long way. It is also noteworthy to mention kindness creates the oxytocin hormone that everyone loves (pun intended). And oxytocin naturally increases optimism. This easily segues me into the 2nd most important quality to have during a pandemic move.

Optimism, with a side of realism

I use the term ‘realism’ loosely. If you’re like me (and less than 100 years old), you probably have never experienced a global pandemic. You wouldn’t have a clue on what is realistic in this type of situation. Realistically optimistic means to plan for the worst but hope for the best. In case your Plan A falls through, you’ll hopefully have a Plan B, Plan C, and maybe even a Plan D. This way you won’t be caught off guard and without a backup plan when disaster strikes. It’s important to be an optimist but it’s equally important to be prepared. Understand that to overcome unpredictable hurdles, you need to put in the effort and be persistent.


When moving abroad, you probably have an idea in your head of how this move will go and then it’s turned upside down and inside out after a pandemic hits. Your adaptability to this sudden change is crucial if you want to make it to your end goal – which is to move to your new home. It’s natural to grieve the idea of how the move SHOULD have gone. But it’s also important to accept the situation, stay focused, and adjust thoughts and plans accordingly. Being flexible and adaptable also means you’ll cope and handle stress more effectively and adapt to changes more efficiently. Both of which are necessary, if you want to maintain your sanity through the process.


A quality that’s often talked about but highly under-appreciated. And unfortunately, it’s not something we can buy at the Quickie Mart up the road. Fortunately, it is something we can actively work on getting more of. Moving abroad during a pandemic will definitely provide you with the opportunity to increase your patience and tolerance levels. A pandemic doesn’t care what timelines you have for your move. It’s on its own schedule and often your timeline will, at minimum, triple in size. If you’re not patient throughout the process, you can throw all the other qualities I talked about out the window. Once you reached the point of anger or extreme frustration, it’s doubtful you’re clear-headed enough to be flexible, optimistic, or kind.


Surprisingly, but thankfully, pandemics have silver linings. It’s important to think and talk about the positives that come out, albeit as small as some may be. Reflecting on the bright side of things has mental and physical health benefits too! Maybe you’re grateful the air quality has improved in China. Maybe you’re content you get to spend more time at home loving your loyal Labradoodle. Or maybe you’re overjoyed “the water flowing through the canals of Venice is clear for the first time in forever” (Kaveri Ganapathy Ahuja). Whatever it may be, expressing gratitude allows you to see more clearly and think more constructively. This is what you need when trying to accomplish an otherwise impossible feat. There are some good things that can come out of a distressing and painful event. You just need to be open and willing to look for them.

Navigating and surviving the numerous activities and emotions of relocation during an unexpected global pandemic takes grit and determination. Owning and mastering the five (5) most desirable qualities mentioned above will help you successfully get through it.

Have you ever gone through a move abroad that pushed you and your family to your limits? How did you survive it?

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